Music Business, Musician, Record Label

5 steps to creating an effective music marketing plan

4 min read
5 steps to creating an effective music marketing plan
5 steps to creating an effective music marketing plan


5 steps to creating an effective music marketing plan

If you want to be successful in your music career, you need to know how to create an effective marketing plan. A marketing plan is a tool that can help you organize all of your promotional activities, set goals, and measure your progress as time goes on. It also helps keep you focused so that you don’t get overwhelmed by everything that needs doing.

Step 1: Know your target audience.

Before you can create a marketing plan, you need to know who your audience is and what they like. This will help you determine how best to reach them and keep them engaged with your music. It’s also important that you understand their age group, gender, location, and more so that when it comes time for the actual execution of this plan (step 4), everything runs smoothly.

Most importantly though: don’t forget about their emotional state! The music industry is always changing so having empathy for where people are emotional helps us stay relevant as creators in today’s world of constant change.

Step 2: Plan for the long term.

The second step to creating an effective music marketing plan is to plan for the long term.

This may seem obvious, but it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t be thinking solely about what you need to do this month or even this year. You should also consider your goals for next year, and maybe even further down the line–as far as five years from now!

For example: If you have a new album coming out in 2020 and want it to be successful enough that people still talk about it in 2025 (and beyond), then planning how best to market that album now will be crucial when those dates roll around.

Step 3: Keep track of where you’re at.

In order to know whether or not your marketing efforts are working, it’s important to keep track of where you’re at. You should know how much money has been spent on each campaign and what kind of results have come from those campaigns. This will help determine if a given strategy is working or not so that future strategies can be tweaked accordingly based on what has already been tried.

Keep track of the following:

  • How much money was spent on each campaign?
  • What kind of return did these campaigns generate (e.g., new fans/listeners)?
  • How many fans did each social media platform get?

Step 4: Start with one goal in mind.

The next step is to set a goal for your music marketing plan. A goal is something you want to achieve, so it’s important that you have one in mind before beginning the process of creating your plan. For example:

  • I want my band’s new album to be on Billboard’s Top 200 list by June 1st
  • I want 100 new people to attend my next show by December 1st

Step 5: Create a list of marketing tactics to use.

Step 5: Create a list of marketing tactics to use.

You should have everything you need the order to create your own music marketing plan by this point, but if not, here’s what you should do next:

  • List out all the different tactics that might be appropriate for your business and how they might be used.
  • Select which tactic(s) would work best for your situation and why.
  • Create an outline/script for how each tactic would work in practice (e.g., “I will post this song on SoundCloud.”). This will help ensure that when it comes time to execute these ideas, nothing gets forgotten or overlooked!
  • Measure the success of each tactic after its execution date has passed so we can gauge whether or not it was effective at driving traffic back into our storefront (or another goal)! If one didn’t perform well enough then perhaps try something else instead?

A music marketing plan is an essential part of creating a successful career in music, particularly if you are just starting out and don’t have much money to spend on ads and promotion

A music marketing plan is an essential part of creating a successful career in music, particularly if you are just starting out and don’t have much money to spend on ads and promotions.

It’s important to note that there is no one right way to create a plan; every artist has their own unique situation and will need to approach their marketing differently. That said, here are five steps that can help guide your strategy:

  • Understand your audience: Before creating any kind of marketing strategy, take some time to get familiar with your target audience so that you can speak directly with them through your content (more on this later). It’s also helpful to think about how they might find out about what it is that makes up their interests–for example, do they follow certain celebrities? Are there specific websites where people like them congregate? What kinds of activities would draw them in?


A music marketing plan is an essential part of creating a successful career in music, particularly if you are just starting out and don’t have much money to spend on ads and promotions. It may seem like a lot of work, but the payoff will be worth it in the long run!

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