Music Business, Musician, Record Label

Studio Etiquette: 5 Things You Don’t Want To Do In A Recording Studio

2 min read

Studio Etiquette: 5 Things You Don’t Want To Do In A Recording Studio

 Recording Studio

Studio Etiquette: 5 Things You Don’t Want To Do In A Recording Studio

As an A&R, you’re often working with new artists who are still learning the ropes of the industry. However, there are some things that you should never do when working with a new artist — it’s very easy for them to feel pressured or intimidated by your position and experience in the music industry.

Here are five studio etiquette mistakes to avoid:


1. Don’t make them feel like they have something to prove.

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the workplace and forget about being considerate of others. However, if you want to avoid being labeled as a bad employee, then you must think twice before doing or saying something offensive or unprofessional. In fact, according to a survey conducted by The Muse, 65 percent of employees say that when they see a coworker make an effort to be considerate at work, it makes them more likely to do the same. So even if you don’t think you have anything to prove and don’t care what other people think about you, remember that their opinions could have an impact on your career and reputation within the organization.


2. Don’t try to fix everything yourself — give them room to make mistakes and learn from them.

It’s tempting to jump in and take over when something goes wrong. But it’s better to let your team members learn from their mistakes. You can help them by offering suggestions, but don’t do the work for them.


3. Don’t assume that everyone knows what you mean

If someone asks you a question about something you said earlier, don’t assume that they understood what you meant — explain it again if necessary! It may be frustrating at first, but it’s better than having two different interpretations of what was said last week, which can confuse the line.


4. Don’t be condescending or rude

even if an artist is struggling, don’t give them a damaging critique in front of other people around the studio; instead, find a private moment where you can explain what needs improvement without making them feel bad about themselves or their work ethic.


5. Don’t be overly critical of their lyrics

if an artist has written something that doesn’t make sense in context or doesn’t sound good when sung by another person (e.g., “I’m gonna be famous someday”), don’t dismiss it just because it isn’t perfect

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