Music Business, Musician, Record Label

Digital Marketing For Musicians 101: Powerful Guide

8 min read

Digital Marketing For Musicians 101

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing For Musicians 101

In this article, we’ll go over some of the basics of digital marketing for musicians. What is digital marketing? How do you know if your page needs more followers? What kind of content should I post on my social media accounts? These questions will be answered as well as how to use each platform effectively so that your brand can grow organically and organically.

Digital marketing is the process of growing your audience through online channels such as blogs, social media platforms, and email newsletters. It’s important to note that this is not just about Facebook ads and YouTube views. Digital marketing is about building relationships with your fans, learning about them, and ultimately sharing their stories with others.

Not having a team of people to rely on can be frustrating and time-consuming, but with the right tools and techniques, it can also be fruitful and rewarding.


Build your Presence

You’ve got a great product and you’re ready to share it with the world. But before you start your marketing campaign, you need to think about your digital presence. What are your customers looking for when they search for your type of product? How will they find you? What do they expect from your website?


You can’t just set up a website and wait for customers to come knocking—you need to put on some spandex and go out there and find them! The first step is knowing what keywords your audience is using when they search for products like yours. You can use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to get an idea of how frequently people search for each keyword, how much competition there is for those terms, and how much traffic each term gets. You’ll also want to look at the competition—the number of websites that rank well in the search results. The more people who have websites that rank on top of Google’s results page (SERP), the more competitive it will be for you to get good SERPs too. Once you know what keywords people are using when they search online, it’s time to make sure they find YOU first when they type those terms into Google or another search engine like Bing or Yahoo! The easiest


Electronic Press Kit (EPK)

An Electronic Press Kit (EPK) is a marketing tool that helps you promote your business through a digital media kit. The EPK includes a wide range of information about your company, from the products you sell to the history of your business. The EPK is an important way for businesses to get their name out there and make sure potential customers know about them.


What is an Electronic Press Kit (EPK)?

An electronic press kit is a collection of documents and files that provides details about a company’s product or service offerings, background information, contact information and more. The equipment can be distributed through email or on CD-ROMs.


The purpose of an EPK is to provide journalists with easy access to information when they’re writing articles or doing research on companies and industries. It should include all relevant information about the company — such as its history, location, CEO biographical information, financial data and any other pertinent facts that may help journalists write accurate articles about the company.

Build Your Website

While we’ve seen a decline in the need for websites as a whole, artists are still building them (and they’re pretty awesome).


What is an artist’s website?

An artist’s website is a hub for all of your social media channels and other promotional materials. It’s where you can direct people who want to learn more about you or engage with you as fans.


Why build an artist’s website?

If you’re putting out music at any frequency, having an artist’s website is essential. It gives you control over your brand and lets you control the conversation about yourself. It’s also important to note that having an artist website doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also have social media accounts or EPKs – it just means that these are all connected. You should treat each one as its piece of the puzzle, but they should all work together toward the same goal: getting people interested in what you do!


Social Media Profiles

In the same way that social media can be a great tool for connecting with fans, it can also be a great way to promote and market your music. The key is to use social media in a way that fits your personality and style. If your brand or style is more personal, you may want to consider using Twitter or Instagram as your primary marketing platform. If you have a more professional brand or are looking for ways to remain consistent with your brand image, Facebook may be the better choice for you.


The important thing to remember is that no matter which platform you choose, it’s important that you make sure that every post has a purpose and fits into your overall marketing strategy.


Email List

The email was one of the first big revelations associated with the digital age, and as a result, it can be viewed as ‘old school’ in a rapidly evolving environment. Regardless of this, email lists can be extremely impactful for artists. Sure, tweeting or sending a direct message might seem the easiest way to communicate with fans directly, but like anyone else, music fans check their email inboxes, too. Additionally, email has the highest engagement rates per post – fans are more likely to read any email than anyone on Facebook posts or tweets, both of which exist in a virtual sea of content.

As a result of this information, many artists have turned to email marketing as a way to not only expand their reach but also build an engaged fanbase that will support them throughout their careers.

Email marketing is also an excellent way to make money from your music since most emails include an opt-in box where users can sign up for updates on new releases and tour dates. This means that every time you send out an email there’s potential for new income streams through ticket sales and merch sales!


Pitching your Music

Pitching your music is something that you should be doing regularly, no matter what stage of your career you’re in. It can be a long, tedious process but it will get easier as you become more familiar with the process.

Just because you released a great single, EP or album doesn’t mean people are magically going to know all about it. Yes, you’ve sent your emails, you’ve posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you’ve made the release available on your site, and you’ve shared links to digital stores and streaming platforms with friends and family. If you think that your digital marketing efforts are over after all of that, guess again.

The goal of pitching your music is to get people talking about it so that they eventually come across it in their daily lives — whether it be through SEO (search engine optimization) or serendipity (someone stumbling upon something they didn’t even know they were looking for).

Playlists are an important part of the music industry. As streaming continues to attract more and more music fans, platforms like Apple Music and Spotify have found ways to offer these fans curated playlists of music they may love, or, in many cases, not KNOW they love yet. That’s why streaming has laid a foundation for new music discovery levels– independent artists are not being left out of the fun!

Playlist curation is still a relatively new concept for indie artists, but it can be very rewarding for those willing to put in the time and effort. In this article, we’ll dive into how you can start building your playlists on Apple Music or Spotify and leverage them as a marketing tool for your career.


Blogs & Other Digital Outlets

As the music industry continues to evolve, there are more and more outlets for musicians to share their work with the world. From blogs and online magazines to social media platforms, musicians have a wide variety of options when it comes to promoting themselves and their music. As mentioned above, you can get started on these efforts early in your music career without paying for a publicist – it just takes some work.


Here are a few tips:

Find blogs and magazines that cover your type of music. Look at their websites and social media accounts to see if they post about upcoming events or feature artists they like. If they don’t, send them an email introducing yourself and asking if they would be interested in hearing your music (this goes double if the publication has an email address or contact form specifically for writers). You might want to include a link to one of your songs on SoundCloud or YouTube (if applicable) with your initial email so they have something to listen to right away.

Follow up with emails every couple of months after sending out your initial pitch, as well as when new releases come out from artists you have covered previously – this will help keep you at the forefront of their minds when they are looking for new artists to feature on their sites.



With this newfound confidence in your ability to market and brand yourself, start taking steps to do so properly. Building a solid online presence is the first step in marketing your music, as it gives you a virtual presence for potential listeners to discover.


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